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Method and fostering of the self-healing process
Dr. Nise offers a new conception of insanity, no longer as a label, diagnosis, or a list of symptoms, but as a human experience, a state of being.
Using an interdisciplinary method, which has its ground in Jung’s analytical psychology, and applying it to the series of images in order to extract meaningful content from them, Nise brought to us knowledge whose contents are universally comprehensible. That is, as a result of experiences, she broke the boundaries of the realm of medicine, triggering reflections that concern the inner human psyche as a species.
It’s not about making art, says Jung, but about having an effect on oneself. He, who had so far remained passive, now begins to play an active role. By putting down on cardboard the fragments of the drama he is experiencing rather haphazardly, he deprives of power threatening figures, thus managing to detach himself from images that imprisoned him.
I am feeling humiliated. While we are at the Biennial, enjoying the so-called “Uncommon Art,” the authors of these works are inside psychiatric correctional facilities receiving inhuman treatments […] I don’t consider them happy. They are the real patients, in the strict sense of the word, which comes from “patience.” They are unhappy because they are denied the right to be free, to be here with us at the Biennial, discussing their own art or that of their colleagues, who I don’t know how to refer to. Should I call them the common ones? I do not know. If they are considered uncommon, would the established artists, following this logic, be the common ones?
– Nise da Silveira